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Tarot Insight

The sage always finds it most difficult at the times when everything is at the height of glorified alignment in health, prosperity, and happiness because on the scales of life what is too full is made empty and what is empty is made full. And so it is with karma when it's time to balance the books of good and evil. The karmic judge either praises our angelic deeds or we will feel the retribution for our demonic ways. It is always our choice in all given moments. And the hammer has been coming down as our earnest eyes stay glued to the scales waiting and hoping for what will bring harmony at last. Perhaps we're beginning to see how karma shows itself in the natural cycles of our life’s path. The universe finds a way to reflect back to us exactly that which we are putting out. Because of our actions the universe has been serving up the all too familiar, full of spunk dish: karma. What went around and goes around has come back round to us, and life adjusts itself accordingly. I know how much we'd all love more justice in the world.

Now is a time when our ideas or values have no influence on the world. And what we say or speak about bears no weight on issues that touch us deeply. And so we turn inward to our self during these times to build up our resources once again. And we just 'be' with what we want to see out there until we have become it. If we want to see kindness, then we become kind, if it's justice, then we become as just a person as we can become. Make this a practise in belief. Live them, speak about them, be them. Bring it home, literally bring it home, and give it life. We must master a clean energetic flow in our home if we are to keep from stagnating in some blocked current in our minds, some thought that no longer serves us. We need this clean harmonic energetic flow to support the balance of our karma. A place where everything that is said and done here align with your core values. The flow is pure when you feel comfort and peace in all rooms. How fluid, gentle and positive the flow feels reflects how peaceful and harmonic the energies are in your home. Keep your thoughts positive about your life and about others and everything. For all space in your home is a stream of feel good nooks, corners, and open spaces.

Ahead of us, from the outside, we will begin to feel an influence, direct and domineering. It'll be like solace has come for a breather in the form of a strong messenger, dedicated to handling conflicts and turning messy situations into peace and easiness in life. She is someone who can handle the rallies, a leader for our battalion, leading from the frontlines, a high standard influence with an inexhaustible well spring of energy who helps the less fortunate and whose reservoir of inner strength comes outspokenly to our aid. Though it may not seem this way to others.

So through the disappointments in life—like choosing the wrong puzzle piece when one doesn't fit—we are free to choose what piece might fit next. Then, we can continue to live in peace and harmony making all our dreams happen

If any of you desire to have a more personal explanation of this general reading, please feel free to contact me and set up a session.

Warm wishes to you, Coco

P.S. If you think this can help a friend, please pass it on.


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